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Razz Gleam

Razz Gleam

Probably one of the sweetest stallions you will ever meet! Say hello to Razz!

Flosy Rosecharm

Flosy Rosecharm

She is indeed, quite charming! Don't you think?

Sultry Pristine

Sultry Pristine

Shining blue bright mane! Such a great unicorn! Right?

Twinkle Lightshine

Twinkle Lightshine

Twinkle Lightshine is one of the prettiest! Such a powerful unicorn.

Mellow Marron

Mellow Marron

This mare knows a lot about magic! Besides she doesn't really own any magic... or does she?

Shimmering Pearl

Shimmering Pearl

A alicorn! Quite rare... is she a princess?

Pale Cream

Pale Cream

Such a sweet deer! Everypony loves a deer friend!

Gloomy Splash

Gloomy Splash

Ever seen a Kirin X Pegasus hybrid? No? Wanna know more about her? She is unique...

Venefica Nightthorns

Venefica Nightthorns

She is quite the harsh pony! She doesn't play around, so better be careful! Not that she puts you un...

Prince Diamond

Prince Diamond

He is known as the prince of dragons(in his world(Au), having been officially crowned by Celestia, w...

Windy Camo

Windy Camo

Windy is a kind unicorn, interested in magic and books, she is very shy but likes to make friends, c...

Fire Flower

Fire Flower

Fire is a kind earth pony that likes animals, flowers and gardening.