Community Rules
Welcome to Our Community
To ensure that everyone has an enjoyable and safe experience, please adhere to the following community rules:
1. NSFW Content Must Be Marked Appropriately
Any content that is considered Not Safe For Work (NSFW) must be explicitly marked as NSFW when uploading. This includes both images and text content. Failure to do so may lead to account suspension.
2. The OC Must Be Owned by You
Only upload Original Characters (OCs) that you own or have explicit permission to share. Posting someone else’s OC without permission is prohibited.
3. AI Art is not allowed
AI Art is not allowed on this site and may result in an image deletion or warning to your account.
4. Respect Other Users
Harassment, bullying, or targeting other users will not be tolerated. Treat others with respect and kindness at all times.
5. No Hate Speech or Offensive Content
Content that contains hate speech, discriminatory remarks, or offensive material is strictly prohibited. Let's keep our community positive and welcoming.
6. No Spamming or Advertising
Spamming the site or promoting services/products without permission is not allowed. This includes unwanted messages or repetitive posts.
7. Stay on Topic
Ensure that any content you post is relevant to the theme of the community. Keep your OC descriptions, stories, and discussions related to original characters and creative endeavors.
8. Follow Copyright Laws
Do not post copyrighted material that you do not have the rights to use. This includes artwork, stories, and other media.
9. Report Violations
If you see content that violates these rules, please report it to the moderators. We rely on the community to help maintain a safe space for everyone.
10. Respect NSFW Preferences
If a piece of content is marked NSFW, do not attempt to bypass any filters or view the content if you are not comfortable with it.
11. One Account per User
Each user is allowed one account only. Creating multiple accounts to evade bans or manipulate content is not permitted.